Arabian peninsula
Sharing the gospel with university students, discipling new believers and training them to share their faith with others. This is challenging, because the local local people in these countries are unreached people groups who are wealthy and keep their distance from non-locals. But God is starting to seek and save the lost in this part of the world. He is building His church there, and nothing will stop Him!
Number of participants can accept | Potential time that they can start accepting in the field
August, 2024 or later

They will spend 1+ day per week on language study, 3 days per week spending time with local students in-person and on-line, another 1 day per week doing prayer, Bible study, planning, ... as a team.
This is pioneering work. They won't have anyone living in their same city holding their hand, instead they will be learning by trial and error and get support from long-distance coaching and mentoring. They will most likely be in a country where we have no other staff. Security is very tight in these places. A big challenge is connecting with the local local people. Digital Strategies (internet, social media, advertising, ...) will be a important part of their strategy. They must come ready to keep trying different ways until they find ways that work.